Clarity Grid Blog
Insights and analysis of the electric grid, wholesale prices, and the electricity markets.
First Quarter 2023 US Nodal Additions
Executive Summary ISO PNode counts for the 7 US ISOs grew by 1,311 during the first Quarter of 2023, 1,077 for Load and 234 for Generation, bringing Total PNode counts in Clarity’s database to over 75,000. Additions were largely driven by the introduction of transmission, distribution, and generation assets of new Extended Energy Market (EIM) members in CAISO. Also, in...
Fourth Quarter 2022 PNode Additions
Executive Summary There were broad additions to nodal totals for the 7 US ISOs during the 4th Quarter of 2022 to finish out the year. Once again ERCOT led the way in additions to Load Buses (386), while CAISO saw significant additions to both Generation and Storage nodal points (158). In terms of capacity additions to the Generation stack, CAISO saw significant...
Third Quarter 2022 PNode Additions
Executive Summary SPP grew its nodal count during the Third Quarter 2022 almost exclusively through the addition of WAPA’s Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Area Utilities. The inclusion of nodal points owned by Basin Electric, Black Hills Electric, Cheyenne Light Fuel and Power, High West Energy, and Tri-State G&T, amongst others, added over 500...
Second Quarter 2022 PNode Additions
Executive Summary Despite the addition of two large Utility EIM Members to CAISO (BPA and Tucson Electric), little meaningful new Generation or Load was added to the Seven ISO Grid System during the Second Quarter of 2022. In fact, with the exception of the almost 2.5 GW of Solar and 250 mw of Storage in Ercot, virtually no new Generation was added to US ISO Grid...
First Quarter 2022 PNode Additions
As the Electric Grid changes and new sources of generation and load appear, Independent System Operators (ISOs) react by accommodating supply and demand through the interconnection process which receives much attention from Market Participants. Some projects make their way through the siting and approval process, and some do not. However, one of the most significant...
Behind the Meter Battery Calculator
Battery Installation Growth Projections One of the most significant trends in the evolution of electric grids throughout the world of late has been the rapid deployment of energy storage using advancing battery technology improvements. With the prices for Utility scale battery projects forecast to fall to $100/kWh by 2023 from the...
Breaking Down Demand Charges
Tariff Categories- When Electric Utilities look to craft their rate structures (tariffs) to submit for their State’s Public Utility Commission approval, they seek to cover costs and earn a rate of return for various types of services. First, they must ensure they have a monthly revenue stream regardless of whether they deliver a large amount of power, or none at all. ...
Time of Use Electricity Tariffs
Electric Distribution entities across the US of all types (IOUs, Municipals, Cooperatives, and Government Agencies) have adopted similar pricing structures to serve their customers within their franchise service territories. These “tariffs” typically incorporate some type of fixed monthly cost ($), distribution cost by monthly volume ($/kwh), demand charge for peak...
Top 20 – 2021 Battery Locations in ERCOT
We took another look at the most profitable locations for a one-hour battery over the past year (excluding the craziness going on in February!). One region we did not expect dominated the top 20 locations. Register for the Clarity Grid mailing list below to get the full report and any future reports, blogs and news from Clarity Grid. Register for the Clarity Grid...
First Half of 2021 Nodal Updates
First Half of 2021 Nodal Updates For years economists and other market researchers, suspicious of official government statistics, have watched Chinese electric consumption figures to more accurately gauge economic growth. The thinking being that such figures as power consumption by industry sector or city was a more reliable indicator of what was happening in the “real...