Clarity Grid Blog

Insights and analysis of the electric grid, wholesale prices, and the electricity markets.

Tackling YOUR energy Bill….what YOU can do about it

Utility companies all over the United States have been utilizing energy tariffs to conduct business. But what are they? Energy tariffs are how energy providers charge you for your gas and electricity use. They generate your bill according to how much energy you use, and make their money once the bill is paid. Many energy providers can raise prices whenever they want, so...

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Texas Power Prices: How bad was it?

  With the press reporting customers in Texas reeling from power bills, in some cases over $10,000, how bad did it get for the average customer in ERCOT on wholesale billing?  How bad would it have been for customers in Texas outside of ERCOT had they contracted for power off wholesale prices?  While SPP and MISO serve parts of Texas their pricing remains regulated...

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Nodal Network Updates

Clarity maintains and updates a complete set of pricing for over 70,000 individual locational prices in the US.  This is commonly referred to as “nodal prices” in the electric industry jargon.  Nodal pricing typically comes in two varieties: “Load” and “Generation”.  In simplistic terms “Load” pricing occurs at a substation or “bus” and “Generation” pricing occurs at the...

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Press Release – Clarity Grid Solutions Enhances its Data-as-a-Service Offering with New Pricing Details for Energy on the U.S. Power Grid

Clarity Grid updates the nation’s wholesale electricity prices every five minutes. Clarity Grid displays both wholesale and retail energy pricing data for the entire U.S. power grid, all on one platform. Clarity Grid breaks down customer energy bills for any zip code and any retail electric tariff in the U.S., unlocking potentially billions of dollars in energy cost...

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Clarity Grid Solutions ERCOT 2 Hour Battery Study

Due to the steady decline in battery storage costs and increasing integration into renewable energy systems, interest in prime locations has grown exponentially.  Prior to undertaking the cost of interconnection, developers must first identify the most attractive locations as defined by; hourly energy prices, substation capacity available, and or incremental planned load...

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Wholesale Power Prices Slide 10-20%

As analyst probe usage statistics to determine the effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on electricity demand, the longer-term trends of declining power bills for residential and commercial customers remain intact. We synthesized 12 months of bills for select cities in deregulated markets from September 2019 through April 2020 and In all samples prices ranged from almost...

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Real Time Heat Map

Kevin P Hannon March 11, 2020 Each of the 7 US Independent System Operators (ISOs) establish daily or hourly pricing for the markets they serve by balancing supply and demand at over 60,000 pricing points across the US.  This process, called Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED), begins at the lowest physical levels of the electric grid where substations for...

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Electricity Tariffs

Deregulation of electricity markets is determined at the State level in the US. Currently 15 states (30%) provide for at least some, or all, customer classes to purchase power on a deregulated basis. However, because this group includes the relatively populous states of New York, Texas, and Illinois the percentage of the market which is deregulated approaches 35%. Under...

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The Challenges of Index Pricing

Wholesale prices as reported by the 7 US ISOs (Independent System Operators) come in two flavors: Next-Day, in which power is priced for delivery for the following day with each of the 24-hourly prices set independently. Real-Time, in which the price for power is (usually) set after the 5 minute to 1 hour settlement period has been realized. In both cases the price for...

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The Clarity Grid Solutions Electricity Index

Most of us are familiar with the standard fixed rate electricity contract. We assume that locking in a price for a year or two is safe and stable and while there are scenarios in which this is true, how much could you save if you took a little bit of risk? What if there was a way to see the circumstances where an index contract could save 20 to 40%? Clarity Grid...

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