Executive Summary Despite the addition of two large Utility EIM Members to CAISO (BPA and Tucson Electric), little meaningful new Generation or Load was added to the Seven ISO Grid System during the Second Quarter of 2022. In fact, with the exception of the...
As the Electric Grid changes and new sources of generation and load appear, Independent System Operators (ISOs) react by accommodating supply and demand through the interconnection process which receives much attention from Market Participants. Some projects make...
Battery Installation Growth Projections One of the most significant trends in the evolution of electric grids throughout the world of late has been the rapid deployment of energy storage using advancing battery technology improvements. With the prices for Utility...
Tariff Categories- When Electric Utilities look to craft their rate structures (tariffs) to submit for their State’s Public Utility Commission approval, they seek to cover costs and earn a rate of return for various types of services. First, they must ensure they...
Electric Distribution entities across the US of all types (IOUs, Municipals, Cooperatives, and Government Agencies) have adopted similar pricing structures to serve their customers within their franchise service territories. These “tariffs” typically incorporate...
We took another look at the most profitable locations for a one-hour battery over the past year (excluding the craziness going on in February!). One region we did not expect dominated the top 20 locations. Register for the Clarity Grid mailing list below to get the...
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