Tariff Details Schema

NameData TypeDescription
utilityStringCommon name of the utility that the tariff belongs too
tariffStringCommon name of the tariff
effectiveStringEffective date of the tariff
revision_reasonStringReason for this version
notesStringUtility’s description of this tariff
Monthly ChargesCollectionCollection of monthly charges
chargesCollectionCollection of charge data
UnitStringBasis of the charge (described in our “API Basis” page)
costFloatCost of the charge
unitStringUnit of the charge
Distribution ChargesCollectionCollection of distribution charges
chargesCollectionCollection of charge data
ChargeLabelStringLabel of the charge
UnitStringBasis of the charge (described in our “API Basis” page)
BreakdownCollectionCollection of charge breakdowns
descriptiionStringShort description of the charge breakdown
costFloatCost of the charge breakdown
costFloatTotal cost of the charges
unitStringUnit of the charge
Energy ChargesCollectionCollection of energy charges
chargesCollectionCollection of charge data
ChargeLabelStringLabel of the charge
UnitStringBasis of the charge (described in our “API Basis” page)
ndxBooleanWhether or not this charge is using index pricing
costFloatTotal cost of the charge
unitStringUnit of the charge
        "utility": "",                      Common name of the utility that the tariff belongs to
        "tariff": "",                       Common name of the tariff
        "effective": "",                    Effective date of the tariff
        "revision_reason": "",              Reason for this version
        "notes": "",                        Utility's description of this tariff
        "url": "",                          http://url_link_to_utility_documentation
        "Monthly Charges": {                Collection of monthly charges
          "charges": [                      Array of charge objects
              "Unit": "Fixed",              Basis of the charge (described in our "API Basis" page)
              "number": 1,                  ...
              "cost": 5.47,                 Cost of the charge
              "unit": "$/month",            Unit of the charge
              "dataline": ""                ...
        "Distribution Charges": {           Collection of distribution charges
          "charges": [                      Array of charge objects
              "ChargeLabel": "null",        Label of the charge
              "Unit": "Kilowatt Hours",     Basis of the charge (described in our "API Basis" page)
              "number": 1                   ...
              "Breakdown": [                Collection of charge breakdowns
                  "description": "",        Short description of the charge breakdown
                  "cost": 0.008439          Cost of the charge breakdown
              "cost": 0.037125,             Total cost of the charges
              "unit": "$/kWh",              Unit of the charge
              "dataline": ""                ...
        "Energy Charges": {                 Collection of energy charges
          "charges": [                      Array of charge objects
              "ChargeLabel": "null",        Label of the charge
              "Unit": "",                   Basis of the charge (described in our "API Basis" page)
              "number": 1,                  ...
              "feedin_rate": 0,             ...
              "ndx": false,                 Whether or not this charge is using index pricing
              "cost": 0.06,                 Total cost of the charge
              "unit": "",                   Unit of the charge
              "dataline": ""                ...

rev 1.0 2023-02-13