Calculate Generator Economics Schema

NameData TypeDescription
totalAmountFloatTotal cost of the kWh generated
hoursCountIntegerTotal amount of hours in date range
totalKwhProductionFloatTotal amount of kWh produced
hourlyAmountsCollectionCollection of hourly amounts

Hourly Amounts

NameData TypeDescription
amountDateTimeLongEPOCH Datetime
amountFloatTotal cost of kWh for the hour
pricePerKwhFloatPrice per kWh
kwhFloatTotal kWh this hour
  "totalAmount": 196.85252501663007,               Total cost of the kWh generated
  "hoursCount": 743,                               Total amount of hours in date range
  "totalKwhProduction": 5703.326532000004,         Total amount of kWh produced
  "hourlyAmounts": [                               Collection of hourly amounts
      "amountDateTime": 1669874400000,             EPOCH datetime
      "amount": 0,                                 Total cost of kWh for the hour
      "pricePerKwh": 0.061700000000000005,         Price per kWh
      "kwh": 0                                     Total kWh this hour
  "error": ""                                      ...

rev 1.0 2023-02-13