Name | Data Type | Description |
distrubutionCharge | Collection | Collection of distribution charges |
demandCharge | Collection | Collection of demand charges |
energyCharge | Collection | Collection of energy charges |
customerCharge | Collection | Collection of customer charges |
operatorId | Integer | Internal id for the operator that this tariff belongs to |
Charge Collections
Name | Data Type | Description |
month | Integer | Month of calculations |
year | Integer | Year of calculations |
tariffEnergyCharges | String | Tariff energy charges |
chargeRange | Collection | Collection of charge ranges |
Charge Ranges
Name | Data Type | Description |
blockFactor | Integer | Block factor of the charge |
cost | Float | Cost of the charge tier |
percentage | Integer | … |
from | Integer | Tier starting amount |
to | Integer | Tier ending amount |
"distributionCharge": [ Collection of distribution charges
"month": 12, Month of calculations
"year": 2022, Year of calculations
"tariffEnergyCharges": "", Tariff energy charges
"chargeRange": [ Collection of charge ranges
"blockFactor": 0, Block factor of the charge
"cost": 0.01709, Cost of the charge tier
"percentage": 0, ...
"from": 0, Tier starting amount
"to": 0 Tier ending amount
"demandCharge": [ Collection of demand charges
"month": 12, Month of calculations
"year": 2022, Year of calculations
"tariffEnergyCharges": "", Tariff energy charges
"chargeRange": [ Collection of charge ranges
"blockFactor": 0, Block factor of the charge
"cost": 11.88778, Cost of the charge tier
"percentage": 0, ...
"from": 0, Tier starting amount
"to": 0 Tier ending amount
"energyCharge": [ Collection of energy charges
"month": 12, Month of calculations
"year": 2022, Year of calculations
"tariffEnergyCharges": "", Tariff energy charges
"chargeRange": [ Collection of charge ranges
"blockFactor": 0, Block factor of the charge
"cost": 0.2051, Cost of the charge tier
"percentage": 0, ...
"from": 0, Tier starting amount
"to": 0 Tier ending amount
"customerCharge": [ Collection of customer charges
"month": 12, Month of calculations
"year": 2022, Year of calculations
"tariffEnergyCharges": "", Tariff energy charges
"chargeRange": [ Collection of charge ranges
"blockFactor": 0, Block factor of the charge
"cost": 155.2755, Cost of the charge tier
"percentage": 0, ...
"from": 0, Tier starting amount
"to": 0 Tier ending amount
"operatorId": 10 Internal id for the operator that this tariff belongs to

rev 1.0 2023-02-13