Compare Utility Tariffs throughout the United States
The grid’s most robust energy data platform feeds you up-to-date tariffs from 48 states. All in one place.
See how you compare.
Utilities/Regulators Use Cases
- Use the Tariff Library to see what other utilities are charging.
- Compare the economics between two tariffs side by side.
- Identify savings opportunities for your customers.
- Benchmark your tariffs to those of comparable providers.
- Estimate sensitivities of your own revenue to alternative tariffs.
- Compare alternative load profiles.
- Compare your rate structure to realtime wholesale prices.
- See the impact on your revenue if you increase demand charges.
- Forecast competitive impacts of distributed energy resources.
- See how rate changes will affect your customers.

Use Clarity Grid’s Data Platform To Answer These Important Questions
Utilities and Government – Tariff and Rate Making in a Distributed Generation World:
– How does this tariff compare with other utility tariffs?
– How much of my revenue is dependent upon demand charges?
– How does energy storage impact this?

Granular Energy Data that Empowers Utilities, Government Agencies, Regulators and Researchers
- Enjoy faster report writing—no need to query multiple sources or calculate conversions; pricing data is in one place, in one format.
- GIS-based platform so you can quickly find and compare specific locational data.
- Quick access to more than 3,000 distribution Utilities and more than 9,000 individual residential, commercial and industrial tariffs.
- Get up-to-date wholesale electricity pricing for 60,000+ nodes.
- We show you price and metadata for load and generation, hourly (day-ahead) and real-time (in 5-minute intervals).
- 100 simulated load profiles modeled for both residential and commercial locations.